11:11, 11/11/2012

Message of Vietnam culture prevervation from

A photo exhibition of Vietnam Heritage 2012 contest has been opened at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang from 6 to 12, November by Cultural Heritage Association – Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam Heritage magazine. Over 100 photos at the exhibition carry message “Vietnam culture prevervation’...

A photo exhibition of Vietnam Heritage 2012 contest has been opened at 2-4 Square, Nha Trang from 6 to 12, November by Cultural Heritage Association – Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam Heritage magazine. Over 100 photos at the exhibition carry message “Vietnam culture prevervation’.

Attrative and moving photos

Vietnam Heritage Photo Contest has been launched since June, 2012 and received 2,890 photos taken by hundreds of amateur and professional photographers. About 100 photos among them have been selected to join the exhibition.

The photo exhibition has attracted the public, especially foreign tourists.

“I’m very exciting to these photos which give  me a lot about Vietnam. Every region of your country features original culture”, Becky Darke, a Russian tourist said.

Foreign tourists contemplating photos.


The selected photos describe beautiful landscapes, real movements of life or customs and festivals of different areas of the country.

The photos about customs and festivals are interesting stories about spirits and faiths of people in different areas in Vietnam.

Some photos about architecture works and stages also made deep impressions and new emotions on viewers.

As a photo resource

Vietnam Heritage is a monthly magazine in English by Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association. The magazine, launched the first edition in 2011, targets at readers who love nature, people, cultural heritage values of the country.

The magazine has coordinated with Cultural Heritage Association – Ho Chi Minh City to organize the photo contest for the first time aiming to build up a resource of cultural heritages to introduce foreigners about land and people of Vietnam.

Students see photos.


The exhibition will be in Nha Trang for a week till November 12. And then, it will move to Hanoi, Hoi An, Ha Long and stop in Ho Chi Minh City.

The award ceremony for the photo contest will be held in Ho Chi Minh City on November 22.