03:12, 27/12/2012

Dance drama “Pô Inư Nagar Legend”, new cultural product for tourism

In only 35 minutes, “Pô Inư Nagar Legend” dance drama artistically tells about the story of Pô Inư Nagar Goddess by the combination of Cham dances and modern dances. It’s expected to be one more original cultural products to serve tourists in Khanh Hoa Province...

In only 35 minutes, “Pô Inư Nagar Legend” dance drama artistically tells about the story of Pô Inư Nagar Goddess by the combination of Cham dances and modern dances. It’s expected to be one more original cultural products to serve tourists in Khanh Hoa Province.

After practicing for two months, Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop performed in public for the first time the dance drama “Pô Inư Nagar Legend” at Ponagar Temple on December 24.

The dance drama with 3 chapters and 10 acts is written by Hinh Phuoc Long and directed by Meritorious Artist Tran Manh Cuong. Its music is composed by Hinh Phuoc Lien and its choreographers are Meritorious Artist Huu Tu, Meritorious Artist Mai Kien and Duc Ha.

It tells about Cham people’ Pô Inư Nagar Goddess who taught the people to grow rice, weave fabric, build houses as well as do rituals and protected them from heavy floods. In an incarnation of aloe wood, she drifted to Bac Hai and got married to the region’s crown prince. However, she still missed her homeland and decided to come back along with her children despite her husband’s drastic hindrance.

Pô Inư Nagar Goddess teaching people to weave fabric


The show brings strange experience with the combination of Cham dances and modern dances. Additionally, the stage props such as silk strips, bamboo trees, fans, water jars, flower garlands and palm-leaf conical hats makes the show more lively. Music of the drama is also played well and suitably with each scene.

“I’ve long since been told about Pô Inư Nagar Goddess by words. I’m deeply impressive when it’s told by dances. The dance drama surely will fascinate tourists when putting into service”, a local person named Pham Thi Phuong said.

After the success of the first show, the dance drama will be performed every Friday evening at Ponagar Temple during the New Year holiday season.

Deputy Secretary of Khanh Hoa Province Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Chien Thang confirmed, “The dance drama aims to introduce foreign tourists a cultural feature of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.  In the coming time, Khanh Hoa will make more performances about land and people of the province.”