08:03, 17/03/2013

Khanh Hoa Movie Center granted certificate of merit at ministry level

A ceremony to celebrate 60 years of Vietnamese Revolutionary Movie Day was held in Khanh Hoa Province...

A ceremony to celebrate 60 years of Vietnamese Revolutionary Movie Day was held in Khanh Hoa Province.

At the anniversary, tradition of Vietnamese movie and events of the province’s movie were reviewed. During the past years, the provincial Movie Center has done well in maintaining cinema activities, especially filming for people in remote areas. At present, the center has 6 mobile cinema teams. From 2005 till now, 27,000 film shows have been made for millions of viewers.

Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Departement of Culture, Sports and Tourism (left) granting certificate of merit to representative of the provincial Movie Center


Also on this occasion, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism granted a certificate of merit to the provincial Movie Center.