10:04, 01/04/2013

Resource centers for French learners in Nha Trang

With the support of French Embassy in Hanoi and Morbihan Province, France, from 1996 till now, Khanh Hoa Provincial Library and Nha Trang French Resource Center have got a large number of French books of many kinds...


With the support of French Embassy in Hanoi and Morbihan Province, France, from 1996 till now, Khanh Hoa Provincial Library and Nha Trang French Resource Center have got a large number of French books of many kinds. The two places have supplied a useful French resource for people in the province.

The provincial Library now has about 6,500 French books given by Morbihan Province, over sea festivals ever held in Khanh Hoa. Most of them are in literature, politics, technology – science, medicine, French syllabuses and curricula and children’s books. Moreover, the library has valuable encyclopaedic dictionaries and reference books in French.

Nha Trang French Resource Center, based in Nha Trang Teachers’ College, has over 4,000 books and 500 cassette tapes, videos and CD-Roms serving French teaching and studying. Most of them are supplied by the French Embassy in Hanoi according to a program signed with the college.

At Nha Trang French Resource Center
At Nha Trang French Resource Center


Khanh Tho, a second-year student of Tourist French of Nha Trang Teachers’ College, said, “French document in bookstores is very expensive. Students like us can’t afford them. The French Resource Center with abundant books has helped us much. Sometimes, we meet some French people who are living in Nha Trang coming here to borrow books. The talks with them have given us good chances to practice French.”

Nha Trang French Resource Center now has 730 member readers, 35 of whom are French.

Fabre Henri, a French man living in Nha Trang, said that, every 2 or 3 days, he comes to the French resource center to borrow books, mainly interesting novels.

Le Trung, head of the center, said that Nha Trang French Resource Center, opened from 1996, has been not only a language center but a cooperation. Actually, beside supplying document to French learners, the center does other activities related to French such as opening French classes in some schools, organizing examinations for DELF degree, supplying information on study in France and doing Vietnamese – French translation.