10:05, 24/05/2013

2000 to join bicycle parade to call environment protection

On 3pm June 9, 2000 people will make a bicycle parade in Nha Trang with the slogan “Protect environment – No smoking in Nha Trang”...

On 3pm June 9, 2000 people will make a bicycle parade in Nha Trang with the slogan “Protect environment – No smoking in Nha Trang”. The parade will start in 2-4 Square, go along Tran Phu Street and Pham Van Dong Street and return to 2-4 Square. In framework of the event, there also will be music acts, flash mob performance and balloon release.


This is an activity on the occasion of Nha Trang Sea Festival 2013 and aiming to propagadize the message of a no-smoking city to the locals and tourists.