10:05, 12/05/2013

Nha Trang young people with magic

In some recent years, young people in Nha Trang have given more care to magic and some have pursued it as a hobby or even a professional career...


In some recent years, young people in Nha Trang have given more care to magic and some have pursued it as a hobby or even a professional career.

Tran Gia Huy, a 10th form pupil of Nguyen Trai High School in Ninh Hoa Town , has pursued prestidigitation for three years. Learning from magic teaching clips on Internet, Huy can perform some acts with handkerchief, umbrella, pigeon and some other things. Now he can perform on his school’s stage in arts programs. The pupil also has established a magic club with about 30 members.
Nguyen Thanh Binh, a student of Nha Trang College of Culture, Arts and Tourism, is also known by his magic talent. Binh confided that from curiosity, he has been very keen on magic. His performances are rather impressive and attractive.


No1.Gamblers Club is another group of young people who love magic in Nha Trang, led by Tran Ngoc Sang, born 1993, who is a receptionist of a hotel. Established for one year, the club has been the place where magic lovers can share their hobby and ability. “The group now has 10 members, most of whom are high-school pupils. We meet once a week to exchange new performances and experience”, Sang said.

Nguyen Van Duc, a student of Nha Trang University , is well-known as a professional magician with the nickname Hoang Duc Magician. With more than 1000 juggleries and good performing, Duc is often invited to make shows in bars, clubs and tourist areas in Nha Trang and Phan Thiet. Additionally, he has opened a magic club with about 30 members in his university and a shop selling tools and document about illusion.

Phan Ba Hai, born in 1988, from Khanh Vinh, also succeeds in his career of being a magician. The aptitude of magic has formed him a keenness and he has pursued it since he was a pupil. Now, he often performs in some coffee shops, weddings, events and charitable shows. “I’ve met a lot of difficulties in pursuing magic career because of its high cost and unpopularity but the keenness encourages me to go on”, Hai confided.