10:07, 25/07/2013

Book about President Ho Chi Minh’s famous sayings published

The Vietnam Education Publishing House published a referential book about President Ho Chi Minh’s famous sayings on July.

The Vietnam Education Publishing House published a referential book about President Ho Chi Minh’s famous sayings on July.


Book’s cover. 


The 632-page book includes 100 rare photos about President Ho Chi Minh’s life and activities at home and abroad, and his 2,000 sayings extracted from Ho Chi Minh’s complete works. Each saying is noted with its origin (saying to whom, when, and the publishing place).

The sayings express the core ideas and the viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh about human personalities and dignity, revolutionary armed forces, foreign policies and international relations, and policies of great unity, etc.

The book is selling at VND240,000.