10:08, 31/08/2013

Documentary film about Uncle Ho’s temple to be filmed

Writer Nguyen Xuan Hung, Director of the Vietnam Writers’ Association Film Studio, said the filming of the documentary “Uncle Ho’s temple” has just been officially begun in K9 relic site, Da Chong, Ba Vi District, Hanoi. 

Writer Nguyen Xuan Hung, Director of the Vietnam Writers’ Association Film Studio, said the filming of the documentary “Uncle Ho’s temple” has just been officially begun in K9 relic site, Da Chong, Ba Vi District, Hanoi. 
The 30-minute documentary film, directed by the people’s artist Le Thi, is one of typical works to welcome the main national events in 2015. 
Reportedly, the documentary will be filmed in Vietnam and some countries in the world such as Mongolia, Laos, and Thailand. 
The film is expected to finish on around May 19, 2014.