01:09, 18/09/2013

Vietnam Symphony Orchestra to tour Japan

The Vietnam Symphony Orchestra will carry out a seven-city tour to Japan from September 21 to October 1, including Yokohama, Koriyama, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, and Nara. 

The Vietnam Symphony Orchestra will carry out a seven-city tour to Japan, including Yokohama, Koriyama, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, and Nara from September 21 to October 1.
The program has been meticulously arranged with the conduction of the Japanese talented bandmaster Honna Tetsuji, the Vietnam People’s Artist Le Khanh and the Japanese famous piano artist Kodama Momo.
The artists will perform works of the great maestro Beethoven, the French composer of Vietnamese descent Nguyen Thien Dao and the meritorious artist Ngo Hoang Quan.