10:10, 08/10/2013

Book on President Ho Chi Minh published in Canada

Nguyen Dai Trang, a lecture in Centennial College (Canada) has just published her second book on Uncle Ho, Ho Chi Minh: humanity and development (Ho Chi Minh: Nhan van va phat trien), released in Toronto City.

Nguyen Dai Trang, a lecturer in Centennial College (Canada) has just published her second book on President titled "Ho Chi Minh - Nhan van va phat trien" in Toronto City, Canada.


Dr Nguyen Dai Trang (in green)
Dr Nguyen Dai Trang (in green) posing with her book.

By precious images and materials added with deep understanding about President Ho Chi Minh of the author who is an patriotic overseas Vietnamese intellectual, the book helps the overseas readers to have a more correct view on President Ho Chi Minh and his role in Vietnam’s history as well as his humane aspects which are little known in the West. The book also provides the readers with the author's view point and comment on beloved Uncle Ho.

Dr Nguyen Dai Trang is the first overseas Vietnamese who has published book on Uncle Ho abroad. Her first book, Ho Chi Minh – Heart and Talent of a patriot, debuted in May, 2010.