02:10, 14/10/2013

Bui Thi Xuan Secondary School wins first prize in contest of learning cultural heritage

On October 10, the Khanh Hoa Provincial Vestige Preservation Center in collaboration with Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports and Nha Trang City Bureau of Education and Training held the contest of learning cultural heritage 2013 at Tran Quoc Toan Secondary School.

On October 10, the Khanh Hoa Provincial Vestige Preservation Center in collaboration with Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports and Nha Trang City Bureau of Education and Training held the contest of learning cultural heritage 2013 at Tran Quoc Toan Secondary School.
The contest was joined by 4 teams from the secondary schools including Tran Quoc Toan, Ly Thai To, Bui Thi Xuan and Luong Dinh Cua.
Team of Bui Thi Xuan Secondary School in greeting section.


The teams competed in 4 sections, involving greeting, learning about world’s heritages in Vietnam, learning about Khanh Hoa Province historical and cultural relics, and practicing to be tourist guides. 
Finally, Bui Thi Xuan Secondary School won first prize. The second prize came to Tran Quoc Toan Secondary School while Ly Thai To Secondary School got third prize.