09:10, 28/10/2013

Cultural exchange between Vietnam and SNG countries opens in Nha Trang

As a part of the cultural exchange between Vietnam and SNG (Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv) countries, the Models and Talents contest was held on October 27 at Merperle Spackling Waves of Hon Tam Island, Nha Trang City.

As a part of the cultural exchange between Vietnam and SNG (Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv) countries, the Models and Talents contest was held on October 27 at Merperle Spackling Waves of Hon Tam Island, Nha Trang City.
25 contestants from Vietnam and 5 countries of SNG (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Moldova) performed their traditional musical and dancing items. 
The result will be announced in the cultural exchange gala taking place in Diamond Bay Resort & Spa on October 29.