10:10, 17/10/2013

Short film-making contest about Vietnamese street food launched nationwide

Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Promotion Center, Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Association associated with Saigon International Film School held first short film-making contest in 2013 with theme of Vietnamese street food. 

Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Promotion Center, Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Association associated with Saigon International Film School held first short film-making contest in 2013 with theme of Vietnamese street food. 


The contest welcomes works of both locals and foreigners.
The film’ topic is simple stories in daily life about food shops and Vietnamese typical street food nationwide.
The entries will be judged by local and foreign food experts as well as television production professionals. The grant prize is worth up to VND200,000.
The participants can send their entries together with their personal/group’s information to http://www.amthuc247.com or http://sifs.edu.vn till December 17, 2013.