03:10, 14/10/2013

Vietnam wins at Val-d’Oise International Circus Festival

According to the Vietnam Circus Federation, the act “Du sieu nhan” (swinging supermen) of Vietnam won the golden medal at 14th Val-d’Oise International Circus Festival in Domont, Paris...

According to the Vietnam Circus Federation, the act “Du sieu nhan” (swinging supermen) of Vietnam won the golden medal at 14th Val-d’Oise International Circus Festival in Domont, Paris.

The festival featured circus acts which gained high achievements in the other festival such as Mongter-Carlo Monaco, Spain, Russia and Europe.

9 international circuses from 7 countries attended this festival included France, Spain, Italy, Belarus, Vietnam, the Czech Republic and China.

Reportedly, the organization board of the international circus festival nominated Vietnam to be the host of this festival held in 2014.