06:01, 10/01/2014

Khanh Hoa Newspaper releases springtime special issue

The springtime special issue of Khanh Hoa Newspaper will be officially released on January 10th, 2014 with plentiful contents and elegant form. 

The springtime special issue of Khanh Hoa Newspaper will be officially released on January 10th, 2014 with plentiful contents and elegant form. 
Readers can have a review on the development of Khanh Hoa Province at all fields in 2013 through articles on economic and society. They can also discover Vietnam’s New Years customs and Vietnamese unique cultural activities on Tet Holiday with special articles about New Year. 



The love of locals and tourists towards Nha Trang City and the Vietnam’s islands will be also expressed in items of tourism and Spratly Islands. 
In addition, there will be special articles on culture, art, sports and horse – the zodiac sign of 2014 - and many other items. 
This special issue will be sold at VND40,000/copy.