04:03, 28/03/2014

Enhance cultural life in community

The movement "All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas" in Dien Khanh District has more and more developed in depth with a lot of ebullient activities which bear the traditional features of the locality. 

The movement “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas” in Dien Khanh District has more and more developed in depth with a lot of ebullient activities which bear the traditional features of the locality. 
Villages’ festival
In recent nine years, Dien Tho Commune has organized the traditional camp festival of the typical residential areas on the full moon day of the second lunar month. Before the opening of the camp festival, a lot of people in the hamlets practice hard to in order to gain the victory for their hamlets.
This year’s festival was held in Phu Tho Hamlet which has the least population in Dien Tho Commune (150 households). The festival attracted a large number of participants from many hamlets although the venue was far from the center of the commune. 
Many sports activities, traditional games and music performances were held.


Sticking hamlets' name tags on boards while being blindfolded.


The hot weather of high noon could not reduce the enthusiasm of both players and audiences.
“Beside sports activities and cultural exchanges, we also organized visual exhibitions covered many themes such as the national seas and islands and the historical relics of Dien Khanh District; propaganda on building new rural areas, traffic safety, preventing and fighting against social evils, etc. The camp festival aimed to raise the awareness of the locals towards the movement “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas” and arouse the solidarity among the community,” said Nguyen Xuan Tho, Chairman of Dien Tho Commune People’s Committee.
Grading cylindric glutinous rice cakes.
More active units
The studying promotion association of Dien Hoa Commune is one of the active units of the movement “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas”, which organized many useful and effective activities. The association built and has effectively maintained the studying promotion fund and movement “studious families, studious lineages”. 
In addition to the financial support of the commune, the association also called for sponsors who were businesses and individuals. Thanks to those supports, Dien Hoa Commune’s studying promotion association offered 1,000 notebooks, 12 scholarships and 412 awards to the pupils in the locality.
Besides, many benefactors established the funds to support the studying promotion movement in the commune, such as Tran Vinh Fund, Tran Dang Fund and Nguyen Xuan Fund. Some lineages like Tran, Nguyen, Do, Kieu, etc., often give gifts to excellent pupils, poor pupils overcoming difficulties and pupils passing universities’ admission exams, etc.
Many communes have coordinated with the boards and organizations to hold a lot of meaningful activities, such as gratitude activities, poverty alleviation, charity, sports and musical festivals, traditional festivals and roving film programs.
According to Tran Van Tran, head of Dien Khanh District’s Bureau of Culture and Information, the movement “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas” has more and more developed in depth, drawing an active response from the people. Dien Tho, Dien Hoa, Dien Dien, etc. are some of the communes which had many ebullient traditional activities, helping to maintain the national character and partly contribute to promote the common movement in the district.
Although there are still some problems needed to be solved (formalism, lack of facilities, etc.), the movement “All people unite to build cultural life in residential areas” partly helped to prosper gradually the living standards and improve the spiritual life of the people.