11:07, 02/07/2014

Arts festival for propaganda teams of revolutionary songs

On June 30, the arts festival for propaganda teams of revolutionary songs was co-held by the Nha Trang City Communist Youth Union, the Department of Propaganda and Training under Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee, Nha Trang City Bureau of Culture – Information and provincial Cultural Center.


On June 30, the arts festival for propaganda teams of revolutionary songs was co-held by the Nha Trang City Communist Youth Union, the Department of Propaganda and Training under Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee, Nha Trang City Bureau of Culture – Information and provincial Cultural Center.


39 teams and nearly 700 amateur actors and actress from the communist youth establishments in the city participated the event.
The festival featured the musical items praising the Party, Uncle Ho, love for the homeland, Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province; propagandizing Vietnam’s sovereignty, etc.