11:07, 24/07/2014

More motivation for artists of traditional art

A resolution on arts activities at Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre has just been approved by the provincial People's Council. Thanks to the new policy, the artists of traditional art of the theatre will receive an allowance twice as much as the current one for their training and performing activities. This is considered as a reinvigoration for the artists of traditional art in Khanh Hoa Province.

A resolution on arts activities at Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre has just been approved by the provincial People’s Council. Thanks to the new policy, the artists of traditional art of the theatre will receive an allowance twice as much as the current one for their training and performing activities. This is considered as a reinvigoration for the artists of traditional art in Khanh Hoa Province.
Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre has had many positive contributions to the cultural – arts activities in the province. The actors, actresses and artists of the theatre offered good performances at the provincial major events and festivals. In addition, every year, the theatre holds over 100 arts shows, mostly in the two mountainous districts - Khanh Son, Khanh Vinh – and the difficult areas of other localities. The arts activities of the theatre have partly contributed in promoting the cultural life of the locals as well as preserving the local cultural features.
However, the labors of the theater had many difficulties in their daily life. For many years, those labors have been paid the remuneration basing on the Prime Minister's Decision 180 (issued in 2006). 
Specifically, until early July, 2014, the allowance for training activities were as follows: VND20,000/day for the leading actors/actresses, VND15,000/day for the secondary leading ones, VND10,000 for supporting ones and the servers. The remuneration for performances at the arts shows were increased to VND50,000/show for the leading actors/actresses, VND40,000 for secondary leading ones, VND20,000 for supporting ones, servers and the others including the chief and deputy chief. Most of the arts shows of the provincial Traditional Arts Theater aimed to serve the people, so it had not had revenue to pay more for the artists.


Artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theater performing classical drama “Danh phan”.


In order to partly help the artists with their difficulties in daily life and increase the dedication of them, a new allowance policy has just been passed in the meeting session of the provincial People’s Council. Accordingly, the artists of the provincial Traditional Arts Theater will receive a double amount of money for both training and performing activities. This is really good news for the theater’s labors.
In recent years, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee has paid much care to the provincial Traditional Arts Theater through investment in renovation of the theater, support for the theater to hold weekly arts shows at the front of the provincial Cultural Center (46 Tran Phu Street, Nha Trang City), financial support (around VND700,000/month) for the artists who have not resident address in Nha Trang City.
 “In the difficult economic situation, increasing the allowance for the labors in the provincial Traditional Arts Theater showed a big interest of the provincial People’s Council for the theater. Hopefully, with those support from the province’s leaders, the artists of the theater will feel secure in their work, and have more contribution in preserving and upholding the values of traditional art,” said Truong Dang Tuyen, Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.