07:07, 31/07/2014

Peacefulness of over-200-year-old communal house

Dien Toan Communal House (Phuoc Thanh Hamlet, Dien Toan Commune, Dien Khanh Dsistrict, Khanh Hoa Province) which has just been recognized as a provincial –level historical and cultural relic is a vivid evidence of the locals' pride for the homeland's historical and cultural tradition.

Dien Toan Communal House (Phuoc Thanh Hamlet, Dien Toan Commune, Dien Khanh Dsistrict, Khanh Hoa Province) which has just been recognized as a provincial –level historical and cultural relic is a vivid evidence of the locals’ pride for the homeland’s historical and cultural tradition.
“The documents recorded from the past to the present show that the communal house was built in 1970 to worship the village’s tutelary god, Thien Y Ana Goddess, Tien hien, Hau hien, revolutionary martyrs, etc. It saves eight royal conferment decrees of the Kings of Nguyen Dynasty. In the time of over 200 years, the ups and downs of history, ravages of wars and natural disasters, etc. nearly devastated the communal house sometime. However, with the awareness of protecting and preserving the nation’s traditional cultural features, the authorities and the locals in Dien Toan Commune unanimously restored this communal house,” said Huynh Thanh who is in charge of Dien Toan Communal House. 


Dien Toan Communal House.
According to Vu Dinh Na, former Division commander of 2nd Division (Military Zone 5), one of locals who actively mobilized and contributed in the restoration of Dien Toan Communal House, this communal house used to have many precious objects such as Kings’ conferment decrees, drums, horizontal lacquered boards, ancient tables and chairs. Many of those objects were swept away by the flood water; some of them drifted into locals’ houses. In the time the communal house was restored, many people volunteered to return those objects to the communal house.
Especially, Dien Toan Communal House was also the meeting place of revolutionary cadres in the war of resistance against the foreign invaders. 
In 2009, the communal house was recognized as the historical and cultural relic at province level.
Reportedly, every year, Dien Toan Commune holds communal house’s death anniversary on 17th of second lunar month, attracting thousands of people. At the anniversary, people show happiness for bumper crops and praise for good weather, wealth and peace for everyone. This is a cultural feature reflecting the spirit of the campaign that all people unite to build the cultural life at the grassroots.