11:07, 07/07/2014

The return of a writer in his seventies

Regarding to the three literary novels "Ho Quy Ly", "Mau thuong ngan" and "Doi gao", almost anyone interested in country's literature is familiar with its author Nguyen Xuan Khanh (born 1933 in Hanoi) - the best novelist in the past decade of Vietnam's literature.

Regarding to the three literary novels “Ho Quy Ly”, “Mau thuong ngan” and “Doi gao”, almost anyone interested in country’s literature is familiar with the author Nguyen Xuan Khanh (born 1933 in Hanoi) - the best novelist in the past decade of Vietnam’s literature.
There's a writer saying “Novel is the foundation and the “avenue” of the literature. Without novel, the literature will become poor.” To writers, the novels are considered as the brainchildren to make their career become more brilliant. 
In the 21st century, Vietnam’s literature is lack of novels as well as good quality ones. Some novel writing competition launched by major newspapers and publishing houses did not have positive effects. Meanwhile, the readers are interested in short stories, prose works, idle talks, etc. Therefore, it was surprised to see a nearly-80-year-old writer, Nguyen Xuan Khanh, who does fantastic things by composing three outstanding novels. 


Writer Nguyen Xuan Khanh in a workshop.


The 800-page novel “Ho Quy Ly” published in 2000 made the literary circle surprised because of the thickness of a historical novel and the content about a historical personage whose mysteries about his life and career created a lot of controversy in the past five centuries. That thick and heavy novel drew the attention of all classes of readers. After few months of publication, the novel overcame hundreds of books to win the first prize of the Vietnam Writers’ Association. Afterwards, the name Nguyen Xuan Khanh has been mentioned on many forums; his book has been the theme of the many workshops selected as the research subjects. In addition, “Ho Quy Ly” has been successively reprinted until 2014 (15 times) in a large number of copies, becoming the best seller in Vietnam.
According to writer Hoang Quoc Hai, together with “Ho Quy Ly”, Khanh’s two other books named “Mau thuong ngan” (published in 2006, winning Hanoi Writers’ Association’s prize) and “Doi gao len chua” (issued in 2011, awarded prize of Vietnam Writers’ Association) are the last precious novels on national customs of Vietnam’s literature. Nguyen Xuan Khanh is a writer who knows how to marry the culture with history of the nation.  
Nguyen Xuan Khanh now lives in a house in small alley on Tran Khat Chan Street, Hanoi. His workspace is full of books which make the room cramped but imbued with a sense of culture.
Nguyen Xuan Khanh became the reporter of Thieu nien Tien phong Newspaper since 1964 after leaving the army. In 1973, he retired because of his poor health. Some books of the talented writer like “Rung sau”, “Mien hoang tuong” and “Tru cuong” caused Xuan Khanh many troubles, resulting in his disappearance in Vietnam’s literature in 30 years.
Although Nguyen Xuan Khanh experienced many adversities, he is still gentle and does not show any discontent. He responded to the criticism and compliments on his books with calm demeanor and courtesy. 
Many people think that Nguyen Xuan Khanh start writing in his seventies; however, that was the return of a great writer.  His works’ success are the result his prolonged self-study and contemplation throughout his long, hard time.