05:02, 12/02/2015

Some new features of Spring Newspaper Festival 2015

According to Doan Minh Long, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Press Association, the Spring Newspaper Festival 2015 opening on February 12 will have some new features.

According to Doan Minh Long, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Press Association, the Spring Newspaper Festival 2015 opening on February 12 will have some new features.

Accordingly, this year’s Spring Newspaper Festival is held at the provincial Cultural Center (No.5 2-4 Street, Nha Trang City) instead of the provincial Museum. The new place has a larger space to display newspapers than the old one; therefore, it is expected to attract many readers to visit the festival.


Spring Newspaper Festival 2015 displays around 3,000 publications of over 300 newspapers and magazines across the country. This is the largest number of exhibits having been displayed at the spring newspaper festivals. The organization board of this year’s festival also mobilized businesses, representative offices of the Central and Ho Chi Minh City press agencies in Khanh Hoa Province to offer about 1,500 newspapers to soldiers and residents on Truong Sa District.

As usual, the organization board will select and give awards to publications which have beautiful styles of presentation and quality articles.

Another new thing of this year’s festival is the changes in displaying exhibits. All of the publications are displayed in the shape of Vietnam’s map. The propaganda documents of the Central Propaganda and Training Commission and Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Propaganda and Training as well as publications on sea and islands form the shape of the Truong Sa and Hoang Sa Archipelagos.

In addition to the exhibiting places of the province, city, districts and towns, the organization board of Spring Newspaper Festival 2015 also sent newspapers to reading places of communes in the province, aiming to help people to read spring newspapers at the earliest time possible.