11:03, 12/03/2015

Khanh Hoa Newspaper awarded B prize for beautiful spring publication's cover

The organization board of the 2015 National Spring Newspaper Festival has just given B prize of beautiful spring publication's cover to Khanh Hoa Newspaper.

The organization board of the 2015 National Spring Newspaper Festival has just given B prize of beautiful spring publication’s cover to Khanh Hoa Newspaper.


The 2015 National Spring Newspaper Festival, jointly held by the Vietnam Journalists’ Association, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Central Department of Propaganda and Training, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and Hanoi City People’s Committee, draw the participation of 65 press units and organizations in the central and localities across the country with 120 booths.

Finally, two special prizes, 10 A ones, 29 B ones and 31 C ones were given to beautifully-arranged booths; 10 A prizes, 22 B prizes and 30 C prized were presented to newspapers having beautiful spring covers.