04:03, 16/03/2015

Musical night raising fund for poor children

"Thien Nguyen Khanh Hoa" group held a charitable night at Me Trang Café (22 Pham Van Dong Street, Nha Trang City) on March 15.

“Thien Nguyen Khanh Hoa” group held a charitable night at Me Trang Café (22 Pham Van Dong Street, Nha Trang City) on March 15.


Amateur artists of  “Thien Nguyen Khanh Hoa”  performing a dancing item.


Young prestidigitator Phan Ba Hai performing a magic trick.

The musical night took place vibrantly with many singing and dancing items, magic tricks as well as an auction of fine art works.


An auction work given to benefactor.

Reportedly, all money raised from the night is used to offer scholarships to 200 poor pupils in Phuoc Dong Commune, Nha Trang City.