06:04, 13/04/2015

41 collectives awarded at musical festival of Khanh Hoa Provincial education and training industry

The musical festival of Khanh Hoa Provincial education and training industry ended on April 11.

The musical festival of Khanh Hoa Provincial education and training industry ended on April 11.


Leaders of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Education and Training presenting whole-group prizes to five most excellent teams.

Five out of 41 whole-group prizes were given to Nha Trang Bureau of Education and Training, Cam Ranh Bureau of Education and Training, Ninh Hoa Bureau of Education and Training, Ton Duc Thang High School and Lac Long Quan High School. Other 197 prizes were also awarded to excellent performances.

The organization board has selected six most excellent items to join the national festival held in July.