03:04, 25/04/2015

Many activities in response to Vietnam Book Day

Khanh Hoa Province organized many meaningful activities to response to Vietnam Book Day, including holding book exhibition and exchange between writers and readers, giving books to schools in mountainous areas, etc.

Khanh Hoa Province organized many meaningful activities to response to Vietnam Book Day, including holding book exhibition and exchange between writers and readers, giving books to schools in mountainous areas, etc.

Khanh Hoa Provincial Library hold a book and document exhibition on the theme of President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Communist Party, Khanh Hoa Party Committee, Khanh Hoa people, seas and islands, etc. Beside, the library also held an exchange between writer Cao Duy Thao, former president of the provincial Association of Literature and Arts, and readers. At the exchange, Thao also introduced one novel and one short story to the readers.


Staffs of Khanh Hoa Provincial Library preparing books for Vietnam Book Day.

According to Phan Thi Long Tra, vice director of the provincial library, the library has paid much attention on promoting the reading movement among people in the province. During the main occasions held in the province, the library often holds book exhibitions in Nha Trang City and other localities.

On this year’s occasion of Vietnam Book Day, Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Information and Communications in association with some units and department in the province gave books to four schools in Khanh Vinh District.

According to Pham Duy Loc, vice director of the Provincial Department of Information and Communications, there is a lack of books in the mountainous areas, affecting negatively the reading movement in these areas. Therefore, the department and other units have often offered books to the mountainous localities with the hope to raise the awareness of pupils and people in reading books.

The provincial education and training industry has also launched reading movement in the schools. The schools have held story telling contests; offered books to schools in remote areas; held reading festivals.

In order to promote reading movement, Khanh Hoa Book Distribution Joint Stock Company offered 10% discount to people buying book at the company’s book stores on April 21.

Activities held in Vietnam Book Day aims to promote reading movement; honor the values of books and assert the role and importance of books in social life; honor readers and people working in the field of book making and publishing.