09:06, 04/06/2015

Khanh Hoa Radio –Television Station wins golden award at children's singing festival

At the children's singing festival 2015, jointly held by VOV3, Thieu Nien Tien Phong Newspaper and Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, the solo and choir of Khanh Hoa Radio –Television Station were awarded golden prizes. The station was also given whole-group third prize.

At the children’s singing festival 2015, jointly held by VOV3, Thieu Nien Tien Phong Newspaper and Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, the solo and choir of Khanh Hoa Radio –Television Station were awarded golden prizes. The station was also given whole-group third prize.


Khanh An, candidate of Khanh Hoa Radio –Television Station, performing a solo.

The 2015 festival was joined by 12 units with 82 musical items. Khanh Hoa was among the nine units selected to take part in the final round from May 29 to 31. Finally, the organization board gave 17 golden prizes and five silver ones to excellent items.