09:06, 26/06/2015

Nha Trang holds book storytelling competition for children

The 14th book storytelling competition for children about Vietnam's national heroes was held by Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports on June 24.

The 14th book storytelling competition for children about Vietnam’s national heroes was held by Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports on June 24.


Phan Ngoc Truc, vice director of Nha Trang City Center of Culture and Sports gives award to candidate winning A prize.

44 candidates from 26 communes and wards in the city joined the competition with stories of individuals and collectives who fought bravely for the nation’s independence and reunification.

Finally, the organization board gave two A prizes, four B prizes, six C prizes and eight C prizes to excellent candidates. The whole-group first prize was offered to Phuong Son team.