04:07, 29/07/2015

Works awarded at writing and arts photo contest about peaceful life

On July 28, Khanh Hoa Police in collaboration with the provincial Literature – Arts Association held the closing and awarding ceremony of the 5th writing and arts photo contest themed "For the peaceful life".

On July 28, Khanh Hoa Police in collaboration with the provincial Literature – Arts Association held the closing and awarding ceremony of the 5th writing and arts photo contest themed “For the peaceful life”.

Major-general Tran Ngoc Khanh, Director of Khanh Hoa Police offering 1st prizes to entrants.
Major-general Tran Ngoc Khanh, Director of Khanh Hoa Police offering 1st prizes to entrants.


After two years of launching, the contest received over 33 works of literature and 350 photos of nearly 100 writers and amateurs.

At the ceremony, the organization board gave two first prizes, four seconds ones, six third ones and ten consolation ones to the entrants who had excellent works.

Thanh Long

Translated by H.N