04:08, 10/08/2015

450 children join talent and sports competition

On August 9, Khanh Hoa Provincial Children's House held the opening ceremony of the talent and sports competition for children's houses in the province. Nguyen Duy Bac, Deputy Chairman of the provincial People's Committee attended the event.

On August 9, Khanh Hoa Provincial Children’s House held the opening ceremony of the talent and sports competition for children’s houses in the province. Nguyen Duy Bac, Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee attended the event.

Over 450 candidates from the children’s houses of the districts, towns, cities in the province participated in the preliminary round. 50 candidates who had good performances were selected to enter the semi-final round in which they showed their talents through many interesting items, such as magic performances, flute, guitar and piano playing, aerobic performances, martial arts, chess, etc.

The organization board will chose 12 most excellent candidates to join the final round. 8 whole-group prizes and 50 sets of medals will be also given to teams and individuals.

Musical performance to open the competition.


Nguyen Duy Bac giving souvenir flags and flowers to teams.
Nguyen Duy Bac giving souvenir flags and flowers to teams.



Organization board offering flowers to the jury.


A candidate showing his talent.


Aerobic performance.

Vinh Thanh

Translated by H.N