03:08, 14/08/2015

Photos of Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2015 to be displayed in Nha Trang

The Vietnam Heritage Magazine (under Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association) launched Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2015 on August 12.

The Vietnam Heritage Magazine (under Vietnam Cultural Heritage Association) launched Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2015 on August 12.


Photos of Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2014 displayed at Nha Trang University.
Photos of Vietnam Heritage Photo Awards 2014 displayed at Nha Trang University.


This year’s contest revolves around four main subjects: nature, tangible culture, intangible culture, and life Vietnamese people.

100 excellent photos will be selected to display in Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Thuan, Khanh Hoa, Da Nang, Hanoi and some places in foreign countries.

The 2015 contest will end in October.


Translated by H.N