10:09, 24/09/2015

Vitality of Khanh Hoa shown through photographs

The photo exhibition held in the framework of activities celebrating the 17th Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party Congress has shown the beauty and vitality of the land of aloe wood.

The photo exhibition held in the framework of activities celebrating the 17th Khanh Hoa Provincial Communist Party Congress has shown the beauty and vitality of the land of aloe wood.
The exhibition displaying over 100 photographs, opening on September 20, introduces to the public Khanh Hoa Province’s recent achievements in the fields of politics, economy, culture-society, security-national defense. The photos about the visits of leaders of the Communist Party and State in Khanh Hoa, the province’s main festivals held in recent years and province’s Communist Congress Party over periods have attracted the attention of the representatives. 


Representatives watching photos at exhibition.
Representatives watching photos at exhibition.
“Through the photos, I can see the positive changes of Khanh Hoa Province through periods. Especially, in recent years, the province has received the attention of the leaders of the Party and the State. Specifically, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and State President Truong Tan Sang paid many visits to Khanh Hoa, and so on,” said Ka Tong Thi Men, a representative from Khanh Vinh District.
Besides, the exhibition also includes many photos reflecting the vitality of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa through the images of modern quarters, renowned tourist sites and the smiles of tourists. The images of Nha Trang City seen from above and the colorful beach city at night partly show the changes of the land. 
In the process of development, Khanh Hoa has still kept its traditional culture and natural beauty. The images of tranquil villages with coconut trees reflected in Cai River, Xom Bong in the afternoon, Nha Trang beach in the sunset, Nha Trang Night Market and women working in Ninh Diem salt fields, etc. bring the feeling of peacefulness to the viewers. Some traditional culture activities of Khanh Hoa such as Ponagar Temple Festival, whale worshipping ceremony, and traditional pottery making are also reflected in the photos.
There are also quite many photos of Spratly Island displayed at the exhibition, which helps the viewers to know more about the island; contributes to raise the awareness of the public about the sea and island sovereignty as well as the love of the whole country towards Spratly Island. 
Through the exhibition, the viewers can see the vitality and development of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa in recent five years. The images enhance the love of each person towards the homeland.
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N