09:10, 19/10/2015

Nearly 1,000 people join festival of youth union's branches

A festival of youth union's branches was held by Vietnam Youth Union in Nha Trang City on October 18.


A festival of youth union’s branches was held by Vietnam Youth Union in Nha Trang City on October 18.
Performing semaphore flags.
Semaphoring with flags.
Nearly 1,000 youths of 28 branches under the Vietnam Youth Union in Nha Trang City took part in the festival.
The festival aimed to create a useful playground as well as an opportunity for the youths to practice collective skills and life skills.
At the end of the festival, the organization board gave two first prizes, two second prizes, two third prizes and six consolation ones to excellent branches.
Vinh Thanh
Translated by H.N