03:11, 30/11/2015

Nearly 50 people join contest for servicemen

The Naval Academy in Nha Trang has just held the contest for the servicemen 2015. Taking part in the contest were nearly 50 candidates representing units under the academy.

The Naval Academy in Nha Trang has just held the contest for the servicemen 2015. Taking part in the contest were nearly 50 candidates representing units under the academy.
Rear Admiral Nguyen Xuan Dinh, Political Commissar of Naval Academy offering prizes to excellent candidates.
Rear Admiral Nguyen Xuan Dinh, Political Commissar of Naval Academy offering prizes to excellent candidates.
Finally, the organization board gave two first prizes to candidates of the Bureau of Politics and Faculty of Communist Party’s works.
The contest aimed to honor the noble qualities and good features of the servicemen as well as to enhance the cultural and spiritual life in the units.
Thanh Nam
Translated by H.N