11:11, 19/11/2015

Upholding archaeology's value to promote tourism

Khanh Hoa is the locality which has had many archaeological discoveries. However, those discoveries have still not been used effectively to boost the tourism.

Khanh Hoa is the locality which has had many archaeological discoveries. However, those discoveries have still not been used effectively to boost the tourism.
Numerous valuable relics and archaeological sites
According to Nguyen Tam, Deputy Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Historical Museum, the archaeology started in Khanh Hoa nearly one century ago with the discovery of two stone hoes in Hon Tre Island made by archaeologist H.Mansuy (French) in 1925. After that, geologist E.Saurin found stone tools and rough pieces of potteries in the area of My Cam Church, Cam Ranh Bay. These discoveries marked the start of archaeology in Khanh Hoa.


Excavating Go Mieu Archaeological Relic (Cam Thinh Dong, Cam Ranh City).
Excavating Go Mieu Archaeological Relic (Cam Thinh Dong, Cam Ranh City).
After 1975, the archaeology in Khanh Hoa was promoted. In 1979, the researchers discovered Khanh Son Đan đa (lithophone). Since then, there have been many relics and archaeological sites having being found in Khanh Hoa. There have also had progress in researching archaeology. Some outstanding relics which were discovered in Khanh Hoa are Xom Con Relic in the area of Cam Ranh Bay and Nha Trang Bay, burial jars of Sa Huynh Culture in Dien Son, Dien Khanh. Especially, the discovery and excavation of Hoa Diem Archaeological Site with many unique subjects (jewelries, burial jars, etc.) proved that ancient people in Khanh Hoa had an extensive cultural exchange. Other archaeological achievements in Khanh Hoa are five bronze drums discovered in Nha Trang and Ninh Hoa, archaeological subjects found in Spratly Archipelago, and so on.
The archaeological discoveries and researches have reflected the history and development of the aloe wood land through periods. “The archaeological subjects and researches have helped people to discover the life in ancient time. The ancient people in Khanh Hoa knew how to beautify themselves by using jewelries made of stones and seashells. They also respected the spiritual world, shown through the use of pottery coffins to bury the dead and their belongings which were believed to keep being used by the dead in another world,” said Nguyen Tam.
Stepping up archaeological excavation to boost tourism
The value of Khanh Hoa’s archaeology has been affirmed; however, at present, the archaeological discoveries have still not been used effectively yet in order to boost the tourism because of the difficulties in displaying. 


Many archaeological objects have not been displayed because of difficulties in displaying.
Many archaeological objects have not been displayed because of difficulties in displaying.
At the recent seminar about history and interaction between cultural heritage conservation and tourism development in Vietnam, Associate Professor – PhD Lam Thi My Dung (Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities) suggested that there should have small display cases placed at the tourist sites built at the places having relics. These display cases will partly help the tourists to have more knowledge about the places they visit. In the case of Hoa Diem Archaeological Relic, it is necessary to build this vestige as an archaeology – culture park.
The researchers also said that the tourism units have still not provided tourists profound information about the relics and cultures. Therefore, it is needed to have tour guides who are competent to help tourists to know about the historic and cultural value of the lands.
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N