04:12, 02/12/2015

Vietnam 19th Film Festival kicks off

The Vietnam 19th Film Festival was opened at Hoa Binh Theatre, Ho Chi Minh City on December 1.


The Vietnam 19th Film Festival was opened at Hoa Binh Theatre, Ho Chi Minh City on December 1.


Ảnh: Khương Duy
Photo: Khương Duy
The 19th festival includes 125 films of eight categories, in which there are 20 feature films, video films, 33 documentary films, 10 science films, etc.
The films nominated are screened for free at the cinemas in Ho Chi MInh City.
The closing and awarding ceremony will take place at Hoa Binh Theatre on December 5.
Source: Hanoimoi
Translated by H.N