10:01, 12/01/2016

Many cultural activities to be held on New Year occasion

According to Nguyen Phuong Dong, Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Cultural Center, there will be numerous cultural activities held on 2016 New Year occasion.


According to Nguyen Phuong Dong, Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Cultural Center, there will be numerous cultural activities held on 2016 New Year occasion.
Specifically, the center will hold don ca tai tu shows (traditional improvisational chamber music), bai choi performances, musical and fashion show will be held at the cultural center at No.5, 2-4 Street, Nha Trang City (February 4-7); bai choi festival 2016 at the beach park (opposite Novotel Nha Trang Hotel) (February 8 to 22); unicorn – lion – dragon dances (February 9); human chess competition (February 9-12); street festival at Tue Tinh Park.
In addition, the center will associate with Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop to organize arts program to welcome New Year on February 7, musical and fashion show on February 11.
Translated by H.N