08:01, 22/01/2016

Preparations for cultural activities to welcome Lunar New Year

Many units under Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism are in the mid of preparation for the cultural activities to welcome Lunar New Year 2016. 

Many units under Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism are in the mid of preparation for the cultural activities to welcome Lunar New Year 2016. 
Many exhibitions
Reportedly, the activities within the framework to welcome New Year will last from February 2 to 22.
According to the plan, an archaeological exhibition on the prehistory and protohistory in Khanh Hoa will be held by the provincial Museum on February 1. At the exhibition, many precious objects discovered at the province’s archaeological sites (Xom Con, Hoa Diem, Vinh Yen, Van Tu Dong, etc.) will be introduced to the public. Other activities, jointly held by the museum and other units and associations, are ornamental creature exhibition (February 1-15), antique exhibition and market of antiques (February 12), Tet paintings exhibition.


 Unicorn dance competition, familiar activity held on Tet holidays.
Unicorn dance competition, familiar activity held on Tet holidays.
During Lunar New Year holidays, Khanh Hoa Province’s Heritage Conservation Center will display Cham pottery, Lu Cam pottery and wind sand paintings at Ponagar Temple and Hon Chong Club House. Besides, the center will offer tourists free calligraphic writings as meaningful Tet gifts. On February 2, Khanh Hoa Provincial Press Association will cooperate with the Department of Information and Communications and provincial Library to organize Spring Newspaper Festival 2016 at the province’s library, expected to display 2,500 copies of over 300 newspapers and magazines.
Also on Tet occasion, Nha Trang City will hold Spring Flower Festival at Yen Phi Park and Children’s Park. The festival will exhibit many works of artisans such as bonsai, artistic dried trees, rockeries, artistic stones, orchids, and so on.
Numerous artistic activities
On 2016 Lunar New Year festival, Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop will hold four arts programs at 2-4 Square on February 7, 10, 11. In addition, the troop will perform to serve people in some localities in the province.
Khanh Hoa Provincial Cultural Center will hold don ca tai tu shows (traditional improvisational chamber music), bai choi performances, musical and fashion show will be held at the cultural center at No.5, 2-4 Street, Nha Trang City (February 4-7); bai choi festival 2016 at the beach park (opposite to Novotel Nha Trang Hotel) (February 8 to 22); unicorn – lion – dragon dances (February 9); human chess competition (February 9-12); street festival at Tue Tinh Park.
The provincial Traditional Arts Theatre will contribute to the activities to welcome New Year with the performances of bai choi, Tuong (Vietnam’s classical drama), folk songs, etc. at 2-4 Square on February 8 and at the park opposite to Tue Tinh Street from February 9 to 16. Apart from that, the center will hold Tuong performances at Ponagar Temple and other shows at Khanh Son District and Khanh Vinh District.
Within the framework of Tet activities, Khanh Hoa Cinema Center will organize film screening season. Accordingly, six roving film-screening squads will show films at the remote areas in the province.
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N