07:02, 10/02/2016

Spring on ancient temple

On the first days of Lunar New Year 2016, Ponagar Temple seems to put on new clothes with colorful flags, flowers and numerous activities bearing Cham culture. Beside aiming for sightseeing and learning Cham culture, many locals go to the temple to pray for health, protection and happiness.


On the first days of Lunar New Year 2016, Ponagar Temple seems to put on new clothes with colorful flags, flowers and numerous activities bearing Cham culture. Beside aiming for sightseeing and learning Cham culture, many locals go to the temple to pray for health, protection and happiness.
Visiting Ponagar Temple during Tet days, the tourists can see the images of Cham women sitting by the looms weaving beautifully colorful pieces of brocades; enjoy traditional performances of singing, dancing, drumming and clarinet playing. 
Other activities will be held at Ponagar Temple, including calligraphy writing; sand painting, gemstone painting, printed glass and plate displaying; Tuong (Vietnamese classical drama) performing.
Atmosphere at Ponagar Temple becomes more boisterous with sound of Ghinang drums.
Atmosphere at Ponagar Temple becomes more boisterous with sound of Ghinang drums.


Cham dances.
Cham dances.


Cham women weaving brocades.
Cham women weaving brocades.




Cham artisans making pottery products manually.
Cham artisans making pottery products manually.


Scholars writing calligraphy to offer to tourists.
Scholars writing calligraphy to offer to tourists.


Foreign tourists trying Cham costume on...
Foreign tourists trying Cham costume on...


…contemplating Cham’s products…
…contemplating Cham’s products…


…and taking photographs.
…and taking photographs.


Products bearing Cham culture draw attention of many locals and tourists.
Products bearing Cham culture draw attention of many locals and tourists.

Nhu Thao

Translated by H.N