11:05, 21/05/2016

Documentary heritages of Vietnam recognized world heritage

At the  7th General Meeting of MOWCAP (Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific) held in Hue City in May 18-19, two documentary heritages of Vietnam was recognized as the documentary heritage of the Memory of the World in Asia-Pacific Region, named "Imperial Records of Nguyen Dynasty (1802 – 1945)" and "Woodblock at Phuc Giang School".


At the  7th General Meeting of MOWCAP (Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific) held in Hue City in May 18-19, two documentary heritages of Vietnam was recognized as the documentary heritage of the Memory of the World in Asia-Pacific Region, named “Imperial Records of Nguyen Dynasty (1802 – 1945)” and “Woodblock at Phuc Giang School”.
Woodblocks at Phuc Giang School created in 1858.
Woodblocks at Phuc Giang School created in 1858.
The 7th MOWCAP General Meeting considered and voted on sixteen profiles of ten member countries nominating heritage to the Asia-Pacific MoW Regional Register, including China (four nominations); Vietnam, Korea, Malaysia (two nominations); Uzbekistan, Japan, Singapore, Iran, Myanmar and Mongolia (one nomination). 
Source: baochinhphu.vn
Translated by H.N