07:05, 20/05/2016

Research "Khanh Hoa's folk literature": a precious documentation

The scientific research about Khanh Hoa's folk literature made in nearly two years by Le Khanh Mai, former Chairwoman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Literature – Arts Association, and her colleagues is a precious reference documentation for the next scholars.

The scientific research about Khanh Hoa’s folk literature made in nearly two years by Le Khanh Mai, former Chairwoman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Literature – Arts Association, and her colleagues is a precious reference documentation for the next scholars.
According to Le Khanh Mai, the research was carried out in six districts, towns, cities and other areas where Vietnam people reside from July 2014 to April 2016. At first, the researching data lacked some genres like proverb, riddle and “bai choi”. After two courses of fieldwork, the researchers collected and added more information and documents to the research. The authors did deep researches and clarified the core characteristics of twelve genres, including legend, fairy tale, fables, funny story, funeral verse and song, proverb, “ve”, riddle, folk theatrical art forms (Dan xa -  Tram moc, Ba Trao singing and bai choi), which have been passed and used through generations in Khanh Hoa Province. The authors also proposed the solutions to preserve and promote the literary values.


Ba Trao singing, an act showing gratitude towards “Ong Nam Hai” and solidarity of fishermen.
Ba Trao singing, an act showing gratitude towards “Ong Nam Hai” and solidarity of fishermen.
Besides, Le Khanh Mai and her colleagues incorporated in the appendix of the research many Vietnam’s folk literary works used in Khanh Hoa, complied from many sources. The compilation includes 54 legends, 27 fairy tales, 18 funny stories, 6 fables, 6 funeral verses and songs, 730 folk verses, 529 proverbs, 34 “ve”, 100 riddles and many extracts from the folk theatrical art forms. This has been the most copious collection of folk literary works ever.
Associate Professor – PhD Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep (Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy), Member of the province-level Scientific Council, assessed that the results of the research are reliable and carry a high scientific content. 
Reportedly, the previous researches on the folk literature in Khanh Hoa Province only comprised separate articles or outlines of some aspects of folk literature. Le Khanh Mai and her colleagues inherited and made use of the previous results of the previous works; made deeper researches into this field and arranged them systematically. The work has contributed to propagandize for the values of local folk literature. Therefore, the work was graded excellent by the province-level Scientific Council.  
Khanh Hoa has a source of folk literature which is rich in content and diverse in term of expression. However, the research, preservation and promotion of the folk literature in the province have not been carried out effectively. Therefore, the research themed “Khanh Hoa’s folk literature” of the group of authors has had a great value as a precious reference. 
In the research, the group of authors also proposed some solutions to preserve and promote the values of Khanh Hoa’s folk literature, such as introducing the folk literature to the readers; applying the research’s results to promote local culture and tourism; doing more researches on this subject; and offering appropriate policy to the folk artisans and people who work in the field of folk literature.  
Luu Khanh
Translated by H.N