11:07, 19/07/2016

Khanh Hoa Provincial Center of Culture: strives to improve quality of propaganda

In recent years, the Cultural Center of Khanh Hoa Province has focused on improving the quality and effectiveness of propaganda and exhibitions. The center's activities have partly promoted the spiritual and cultural life of the local people.


In recent years, the Cultural Center of Khanh Hoa Province has focused on improving the quality and effectiveness of propaganda and exhibitions. The center’s activities have partly promoted the spiritual and cultural life of the local people.


Roving propaganda team (under Khanh Hoa Provincial Center of Culture) performing items to propagandize for election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the People's Councils at all levels, 2016 - 2021 tenure.
Roving propaganda team (under Khanh Hoa Provincial Center of Culture) performing items to propagandize for election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the People's Councils at all levels, 2016 - 2021 tenure.
In the first six month of 2016, the center held many activities to celebrate Lunar New Year; propagandized for many political events and major holidays of the country; associated with the provincial Association of Literature and Arts, provincial Border Guard to hold fine art and photo exhibitions; organized Cultural Festival Day of Vietnamese Ethnic Minorities in Khanh Son, etc. The activities which have being carried out by the center include street arts performing at the park opposite to Tue Tinh Street; bai choi singing at the beach park. Additionally, the center has also created opportunities for the music club, poetry club, traditional arts club, My Friends dancing team to take part in quite many activities.
The activities of the roving propaganda team (under the provincial Center of Culture) have also been organized with better investment. For example, the musical programs propagandizing for the prevention and combating of corruption as well as the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the People's Councils at all levels, 2016 - 2021 tenure, were well arranged with diverse forms. The center’s activities have contributed to enrich the cultural life in the locality; helped the public to know more about the policies of the Party and State.
“The audience’s taste for art has changed and been affected by the development of the audiovisual media. Therefore, it requires the propaganda musical programs to be improved in script, arrangement and costumes, etc. In recent years, we have invested to organize many quality programs to serve the people, which contributed positively to build up a wholesome cultural environment and raise the spiritual life of the people at the grass roots,” said Nguyen Phuoc Dong, Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Cultural Center.
Reportedly, in the future, the center will keep promoting and raising the quality of propaganda programs and cultural activities; change the mode of operation to attract the participation of the public. The center will also promote the socialization of musical and art activities; associate with event agencies to hold ebullient musical and art programs to serve the people. Besides, the center will maintain the operation of the clubs; open classes to foster talents and arts lovers.
In the first six months of 2016, Khanh Hoa Provincial Center of Culture held 37 roving programs; 10 turns of propaganda celebrating major holidays and political events; 4 art – photo exhibitions; 33 nights of bai choi singing; 41 street art performances, and so on. In addition, the center organized Organ - Casio Festival and took part in the National Roving Propaganda Festival.
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N