11:09, 09/09/2016

Whole-army television festival held in Nha Trang

On September 9, the General Department of Politics of Vietnamese People's Army held a press conference about the eleventh television festival of whole army. The conference was presided by Major-General Ho Ba Vinh, Deputy Head of the Department of Information and Training under the General Department of Politics; Major-General Nguyen Hoai Nam, Director of Army Radio-Television Centre, Editorial Director of Vietnam National Defense television channel, Head of the festival's organization board. 


On September 9, the General Department of Politics of Vietnamese People’s Army held a press conference about the eleventh television festival of whole army. The conference was presided by Major-General Ho Ba Vinh, Deputy Head of the Department of Information and Training under the General Department of Politics; Major-General Nguyen Hoai Nam, Director of Army Radio-Television Centre, Editorial Director of Vietnam National Defense television channel, Head of the festival’s organization board. 
Scene of press conference.
Scene of press conference.


Organization board answering questions from journalists.
Organization board answering questions from journalists.


The festival, taking place from September 9 to 15, received 294 entries of more than 114 units.
Thanh Nam
Translated by H.N