04:12, 02/12/2016

Photo exhibition about Tay Bac opens in Nha Trang

Photographic artist Pham Trac Vu, Head of the Hanoi Elderly Photography Club, opened a photo exhibition about Tay Bac (mountainous northwestern area of Vietnam) at Champa Island (Nha Trang) on December 1.

Photographic artist Pham Trac Vu, Head of the Hanoi Elderly Photography Club, opened a photo exhibition about Tay Bac (mountainous northwestern area of Vietnam) at Champa Island (Nha Trang) on December 1.


The exhibition displays 80 photographs, taken by Vu in many years, featuring the natural beauty and people in Tay Bac. 
The exhibition will end on December 5.
Translated by H.N