08:01, 28/01/2017

Abundant cultural and art activities to be held during Lunar New Year

The artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum, provincial Traditional Arts Theatre and Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop have been actively practicing and preparing the cultural and art activities to serve the locals and tourists on Lunar New Year 2017.


The artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum, provincial Traditional Arts Theatre and Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop have been actively practicing and preparing the cultural and art activities to serve the locals and tourists on Lunar New Year 2017.


Artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre practicing performances for Lunar New Year.
Artists of Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre practicing performances for Lunar New Year.
On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2017, the provincial Museum plans to hold an exhibition featuring around 200 objects bearing the cultural characteristics of the ethnic minorities (Cham people, Raglai people, Kinh people) in Khanh Hoa. The exhibition will also display the images of the different types of farming; distribution map of the ethnic groups in Khanh Hoa; some typical festivals of the locals, such as Whale Worshipping Ceremony, Hung Kings’ Death Ceremony, rituals in villages’ communal houses (Kinh people); Leaving Tomb Ceremony, New Rice Ceremony (Raglai people); Ponagar Temple and Cham Temple Festivals. There is also a general introduction about the ethnic groups in Vietnam, which focuses on the traditional costumes, architecture, festivals, musical instruments, cuisine, etc.
Le Chi Huong, Director of Khanh Hoa Provincial Museum, hopes that the exhibition will bring the locals and tourists to many useful information about the local tangible and intangible cultural heritages in Khanh Hoa as well as typical cultural features of peoples in Vietnam; deepen people’s love for the homeland.
During Lunar New Year 2017, the provincial Museum also associates with Nha Trang Antique Club to display around 200 objects made of pottery; works with the provincial Ornamental Creatures Association to exhibit approximately 150 ornamental creatures. On February 1 (5th lunar January), Nha Trang Antique Club hold a fair of antiquities. Especially, the provincial Museum and Khanh Hoa Vintage Vehicle Club will organize an exhibition of 15 vintage vehicles. 
Art performances
On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2017, Khanh Hoa Provincial Traditional Arts Theatre prepares five art programs with the extracts from Vietnam’s well-known “Tuong” (classical drama), traditional musical instruments and folk songs. The programs of the theatre will take place on Lunar New Year’s Eve (January 27) at 2-4 Square, the beach park and Ponagar Temple (from January 29 to February 2). Earlier, the theatre’s artists will serve the people in the mountainous districts, Khanh Son and Khanh Vinh. 
In Nha Trang City, Hai Dang Song and Dance Troop will perform many items praising the love for homeland, beauty of country and the spring on January 27 (Lunar New Year’s Eve), January 30-31 (3rd and 4th lunar January), February 3 (7th lunar January). Besides, the troop will perform in Khanh Vinh District and Ninh Hoa Town to serve the people there.
Additionally, there are many other art and cultural activities held by Khanh Hoa Provincial Cultural Center, such as “don ca tai tu (traditional improvisational chamber music) performance, bai choi (Vietnam’s traditional art form) festival, and street art show at Tue Tinh Park.  
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N