04:04, 25/04/2017

Book arrangement contest connects readers and books

The book arrangement contest being held recently in Nha Trang City contributed to raise public awareness of the role of books and enhance the love for country through meaningful models.

The book arrangement contest being held recently in Nha Trang City contributed to raise public awareness of the role of books and enhance the love for country through meaningful models.
Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee organized this book arrangement contest in response to Vietnam’s Book Day 2017. Eight teams from the junior high schools in Nha Trang City took part in the contest. In 60 minutes, the teams arranged books into many shapes based on various subjects, such as country’s seas and islands, revolutionary tradition, and monuments of culture and history. The contest attracted the attention of the public.


Au Co Junior High School team is creating models of sovereignty stele and ship.
Au Co Junior High School team is creating models of sovereignty stele and ship.
The subject of sea and island sovereignty was chosen by three schools. “The national sovereignty over seas and islands has been a hot issue. Therefore, we arrange the books into the shape of the lighthouse on the Spratly Islands and ship to express the love for the country as well as aspiration to dive into the ocean of knowledge. We hope that our models will partly help to strengthen the love for country and national seas and islands of the visitors,” said Nguyen Tra Minh Thu, team’s member of Trung Vuong Junior High School.
In the mean time, the students of Au Co Junior High School used dictionaries, historic and scientific books to create the models of sovereignty stele and ship. Many teams chose the subject on cultural and historical monuments to show the pride about the struggles for independence and the moral philosophy “when drinking water, remember its source”. Team of Vo Van Ky Junior High School made the model of Nha Trang Rail Station, where the 101-day fight in Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa started and where revolutionary martyr Vo Van Ky laid down for the motherland. 
The models of Ba Trieu Temple, Dien Khanh Citadel and Dien Bien Phu Victory were also created by different types of books. Thai Nguyen Junior High School made the model of friendly library as a way to express their wish for a modern education environment.
This has been the first time Khanh Hoa has held a book arrangement contest. The success of the contest has contributed to promote the reading movement both in schools and community. This was also an opportunity for the students in Nha Trang City to exchange reading culture and improve group working skills. 
Reportedly, the provincial Department of Information and Communications invited Khanh Hoa Book Publishing Joint Stock Company to instruct the teams how to arrange books in an art form.   The schools also prepared well for the contest.
Painter Tran Ha, Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Association of Literature and Arts, jury member, highly evaluated the quality of the models and preparations of the participants. Besides, there were some works which were simple and lacked creativity. In general, the contest was still an interesting playground for the students. 
Xuan Thanh
Translated by H.N