09:04, 06/04/2017

Khanh Hoa commemorates Death Anniversary of Hung Kings

On April 6 (lunar March 10), Khanh Hoa Province holds a ceremony to commemorate the Death Anniversary of Hung Kings at Hung King Temple (No. 173 Ngo Gia Tu Street, Nha Trang City)...

On April 6 (lunar March 10), Khanh Hoa Province holds a ceremony to commemorate the Death Anniversary of Hung Kings at Hung King Temple (No. 173 Ngo Gia Tu Street, Nha Trang City). Attending the commemoration are Tran Ngoc Thanh, Standing Committee Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; Le Xuan Than, Standing Committee Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Khanh Hoa Province, Vice-Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Nguyen Khac Toan, Standing Committee Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee; Ho Van Mung, Member of Khanh Hoa Provincial Standing Committee, Head of Khanh Hoa Provincial Department of Propaganda & Training; Dao Cong Thien, Vice-Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of the localities and departments in the province.
Dao Cong Thien thurifying…
Dao Cong Thien thurifying…


…and delivering speech at beginning of the commemoration.
…and delivering speech at beginning of the commemoration.


Khanh Hoa’s leaders offering incense to commemorate Hung Kings.
Khanh Hoa’s leaders offering incense to commemorate Hung Kings.
At the commemoration, Dao Cong Thien gave a speech about the legends of Hung Kings; expressed deep gratitude to the merits of Hung Kings; called for the contributions of people in building and developing the province.  
Many delegations of Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, provincial People’s Council, provincial People’s Committee, provincial Fatherland Front Committee, Nha Trang City and other localities in the province, province’s armed forces, provincial Youth Union, schools, locals and overseas nationals came to the ceremony and burnt incense to show respect and gratitude to Hung Kings.
Ceremonial team bringing flowers to offer to altar of Hung Kings.
Ceremonial team bringing flowers to offer to altar of Hung Kings.


Unicorn – lion – dragon dance performance.
Unicorn – lion – dragon dance performance.


Offering procession
Offering procession


Representatives of Khanh Hoa provincial armed forces.
Representatives of Khanh Hoa provincial armed forces.


Youth Union members thurifying.
Youth Union members thurifying.


Delegation of Phu Tho Association of Fellow Countrymen.
Delegation of Phu Tho Association of Fellow Countrymen.
Translated by H.N