09:07, 26/07/2017

Music festival for children in Khanh Hoa

A music festival for children's houses over the province was organized by Khanh Hoa Provincial Children's House on July 25.

A music festival for children’s houses over the province was organized by Khanh Hoa Provincial Children’s House on July 25.


One of the most excellent items of festival.
One of the most excellent items of festival.
At the festival, the children from the local children’s houses performed many items about the Communist Party, Uncle Ho, revolutionary heroes and martyrs.


Organizers offering prizes to winning teams.
Organizers offering prizes to winning teams.
Finally, the teams from Cam Ranh City Children’s House won two first prizes. Besides, the organization committee gave second prizes, third prizes and consolation prizes to other outstanding teams. 
Translated by H.N