08:06, 25/06/2018

Newsroom of Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station: more and more dynamic and creative

There has been a saying which has spread among the journalists in Khanh Hoa: wherever event happens, there will be reporters of the newsroom of Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station (KTV).

There has been a saying which has spread among the journalists in Khanh Hoa: wherever event happens, there will be reporters of the newsroom of Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station (KTV).
The newsroom of Khanh Hoa Radio and Television Station now consists of 31 reporters, editors, and translators producing the news in Vietnamese, English, French, Russian, Raglai; world news; talk shows; commentary programs; reports, and so on. The newsroom also broadcasts live the main events of Khanh Hoa and nation; collaborates with freelancers to produce news. The KTV newsroom staff have constantly improved their professional skills in order to fulfill the duties of disseminating the economic, political, cultural and social situation, and events of the province.
In order to raise the quality of the programs and maintain the production of 13 news programs of 130 minutes per day, the reporters, editors, and translators of the newsroom have striven to spot the stories and be creative in producing the programs. In the recent years, the newsroom has also tried to make new programs to serve the viewers, namely start of a new day, news in Khanh Hoa, 24/7 news, viewpoint on events, news on market and economy, etc. These programs have attracted the interest and received a positive response from the viewers. 


Journalists of KTV are conducting interview
Journalists of KTV are conducting interview
In the past, KTV only broadcast two news programs per day, which were morning news and midday news. At present, thanks to the efforts of the newsroom staff, KTV has brought the viewers more news programs which are aired at many time slots during a day. Apart from the news in the province, the KTV newsroom has also provided the viewers the general news of the country. The reporters have been encouraged to go to the scene of the events and report the events live to provide the viewers real, vivid images and sounds.
With the hot issues and issues of public concern, the newsroom’s leader always gives specific instructions so that the newsroom staff can timely report and make deeper and more accurate news. The bureau gives awards to the most outstanding journalists of the month as a reward for their efforts. This has also encouraged the staff of newsroom to make better quality products. The role of individual in producing programs has also been encouraged and promoted. “I have worked at the KTV newsroom for ten years. The working environment here is good. The newsroom’s leader has always supported and given encouragement to the journalists,” said journalist Le Tung Minh.
As said by KTV Director Le Anh Vu, the newsroom is a main bureau of KTV. Thanks to the dynamic and creativeness of the newsroom journalists, the content and quality of many programs has been improved and attracted more viewers. 
The work of KTV newsroom won a silver medal in reportage category at the 2017 National Television Festival; second prize at Khanh Hoa Press Awards 2017. The bureau were also given many certificates of merit of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee as a recognition for its efforts and achievements in fighting against smuggling, commercial fraud, and counterfeit products; organizing Nha Trang-Khanh Hoa Sea Festival, etc.
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N