12:10, 30/10/2019

Cultural colors of ASEAN nations

The Exhibition on Photos and Reportage - Documentary Films in the ASEAN Community in Vietnam held recently at Khanh Hoa Provincial Conference Center displayed 300 photographs and nearly reportage and documentary films. The exhibits partly presented the cultures, the peoples, environmental protection, and climate change in the South East Asia vividly and truthfully.

The Exhibition on Photos and Reportage - Documentary Films in the ASEAN Community in Vietnam held recently at Khanh Hoa Provincial Conference Center displayed 300 photographs and nearly reportage and documentary films. The exhibits partly presented the cultures, the peoples, environmental protection, and climate change in the South East Asia vividly and truthfully.
Meaningful message
The photos, reportage and documentary films showed at the exhibition provided the visitors a wide range of cultural traditions of ASEAN community. The public could learn about the “cấp sắc” (maturity ritual) of the Dao Tien ethnic group in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam; Thingyang Festival and Lighting Festival of Myanmar; ancient dance of Khmer people; shadow puppetry of Cambodia; “khèn” dance of H’mông people in Nghe An Province of Vietnam; traditional dance of Myanmar, and so on. The images of the ancient pagodas of Cambodia and Laos were also displayed at the exhibition. 


Youth Union members contemplating exhibits
Youth Union members contemplating exhibits
The artistic photographers captured the life and cultural activities of local people in Southeast Asian countries, for example Cambodian pupils taking extracurricular class, people in ancient city of Bagan in Myanmar attending a traditional wedding ceremony, people going to pagoda, family gathering for dinner, and local people practicing their ancient craft, etc. 
The message about environmental protection was also conveyed visually and vividly with the images of destroyed water-protective forests, dry lakes, rivers and seashores full of domestic waste, devastated forests, etc. These are the real environmental situation in most of the countries in Southeast Asia, which has been a challenge to the countries’ development. Phan Thi Thanh Hoa, student at Nha Trang National College of Pedagogy, said the exhibits helped her to know more about the life and culture of the people in the regional countries. She was impressed by the photos of environment and climate change. 
More understanding to cement relationship
In the context that Vietnam has been doing their utmost to prepare to assume the role of ASEAN Chairman by 2020 and celebrate the 25th anniversary of joining ASEAN, the Ministry of Information and Communications mounted the Exhibition on Photos and Reportage - Documentary Films in the ASEAN Community to raise the awareness of people among ASEAN Community; present and honor a united, dynamic and cooperative ASEAN with great potential.
The exhibition also served as a means to express the desire of Vietnamese people to contribute in building a peaceful and developed community of Southeast Asian nations, according to Hoang Vinh Bao, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Information and Communications. 
The Exhibition on Photos and Reportage - Documentary Films in the ASEAN Community has been held in many provinces and cities across Vietnam since 2017. In 2019, the exhibition takes place in the provinces and cities of Dong Nai, Can Tho and Khanh Hoa. As said by Nguyen Dac Tai, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, being chosen as the venue for the exhibition meant a lot to Nha Trang City. After the exhibition, the Ministry of Information and Communications offered all the exhibits to Khanh Hoa. This was a source of documents and photos for the province to continue to present and promote the images of ASEAN Community, he added.
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N