09:01, 18/01/2020

Expanding international cooperation

Numerous foreign affairs have been organized in Khanh Hoa Province in recent years. This has partly asserted the role and position of the province in the field of international cooperation. The province has been supported and set up cooperation in the sectors of economy, culture and society with many foreign localities and organizations. 

Numerous foreign affairs have been organized in Khanh Hoa Province in recent years. This has partly asserted the role and position of the province in the field of international cooperation. The province has been supported and set up cooperation in the sectors of economy, culture and society with many foreign localities and organizations. 
Many sources of aid
At present, in Khanh Hoa, there are 34 foreign non-governmental organizations which have been granted operation licenses and four international organizations which have been providing support for the province’s projects.  In 2019, the provincial Department of External Relation tried to maintain and enhance the relationship with the foreign non-governmental organizations; searched and expanded cooperation with new partners; created favorable conditions for organizations to carry out activities in the province in accordance with the province’s regulations and development orientations.
Artists of Rovesnik art group from Belarus perform in Nha Trang
Artists of Rovesnik art group from Belarus perform in Nha Trang
The foreign non-governmental organizations have carried out many meaningful activities across Khanh Hoa. Specifically, an association of Switzerland namely “Susann’s Help for Children” visited and offered gifts to disadvantaged children in Dien Khanh District and Khanh Vinh District; Brittany’s Hope volunteer group of America visited and presented gifts to the children at Nhan Ai orphanage; France’s Isabelle charity group built houses for poor people in Khanh Vinh District. The aid activities of these foreign non-governmental organizations have partly helped people in areas severely affected by natural disasters to cope with difficulties.  
Susanne Schupfer, president of Susann’s Help for Children, says that her desire is to offer help to more and more disadvantaged children in order to help them to build resilience to overcome obstacles. Her association has received a lot of active support from the local authorities in their activities, she adds.
Increasing cooperation
Last year, Khanh Hoa provincial Department of External Relation proposed the province should increase cooperative relationship with foreign localities and organizations, such as Saint Petersburg City (Russia), La Rochelle (France), Cheongju City (Chungcheongbuk Province, South Korea), Sverdlov Province’s veterans’ association (Russia), and Gomel Province (Belarus).
The province also provided documents and publications about the province’s potential for development and cooperation to the Vietnamese diplomatic representative agencies abroad; supported to celebrate the fifth International Day of Yoga, Italian Cuisine Week; created favorable conditions of the art groups from Belarus and India to perform in the province; called for investment and cooperation from the investors from Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Additionally, the province encouraged Vietnamese nationals to explore investment and cooperation opportunities in Khanh Hoa. Specially, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee received 180 delegates from 53 ASEM members who attended the ASEM Conference on “Promoting Economic & Social Inclusion in Asia & Europe organized in Nha Trang. The delegates had some field trips and explored the prospects, investment and cooperation potential in Khanh Hoa.
Hoang Van Vinh, Director of V.A.Ekaterinburg Co., Ltd., who used to live in Russia for over 30 years, came to Nha Trang in 2014 and established his company. He says that the company’s operation and investment have been always supported by the local authorities. The support from the local authorities has also created conditions for Hyundai-Vietnam Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. to promote its development, says a company’s representative.
Khanh Hoa Province has been expanding its external relations and cooperation. As reported by Nguyen Dac Tai, Permanent Deputy Chairman of Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee, the province’s achievements have been contributed by the foreign investors and businesses, foreign non-governmental organizations, and Vietnamese nationals. Hopefully, Khanh Hoa will keep receiving contributions so that the province can continue to develop and implement international integration more effectively.
Giang Đinh
Translated by H.N